Wedding Photography PlanI had some good feedback from both the bride and groom at a recent wedding and then again from the bride's parent's last week. It seems not all wedding photographers publish and agree a wedding photography plan with the bride and groom. At this particular bride's sister's wedding they were very disappointed with the photographs as the photographer had not captured what they believed to be key groups of friends and family. I don't know if the photographer was at fault or if the bride and groom were but the outcome was the bride and groom and family were disappointed with the photographers work. It maybe because I have an eye for detail or I am conscientious or just organised or worried I will miss something but I always draft, issue, discuss and agree a photography plan for the wedding day with the bride and groom. I then use this as my checklist on the wedding day. Some can be simple but some can be quite detailed. Two examples are, the wedding family that provided the feedback had 24 formal group photographs on their plan which is a lot and I have a wedding next week where the bride to-be has sent me some sample images of certain photographs and poses she likes as well as a short list of formal group requirements. Had these couples not done this then some of the expected photographs would have been missed. My customer service background tells me that to satisfy the customer you must as a minimum identify the customers needs, agree a plan with the customer and deliver as promised and to delight the customer you need to go that extra bit further. I don't think agreeing a photography plan is going that extra mile its just being professional don't you think?
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